For Crepes:
In blender, mix the following:
6 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup water
6 Tbl. butter, melted
1-1/2 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
Blend well, scraping down sides of blender when needed. Could refrigerate, if desired.
To make dessert-size crepe, heat small non-stick skillet over med-heat ("4"). Use non-stick spray every-other crepe, if needed.
Pour about 1/8 cup batter (2 Tbl.) into pan (adjust if needed for size desired). Immediately pick up pan and tilt pan around to move batter into circular shape before it starts to cook. Tip and tilt pan as needed until batter is paper-thin and starts to cook. Put back on heat. Cook until edges start to dry and curl up a bit (doesn't really need to be browned yet). Flip crepe over (I just use my fingers and a rubber spatula). Cook slightly on other side. Remove crepe and use wax paper squares to separate crepes on plate until ready to use. Chill stack in fridge, covered with plastic wrap.
For Dessert Filling:
Bowl #1:
1 cup heavy cream--whipped
Bowl #2: Cream together 'til smooth--
1 8-oz. bar cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Fold together bowls 1 and 2 with spatula until well-combined.
Put mixture down the middle of a cold crepe. Roll up or fold into quarters.
Can be topped with fresh fruit, powdered sugar, canned pie filling
Or homemade topping: lemon curd or Strawberry Danish Dessert , or Blueberry Pie Topping
Or drizzled with homemade fruit syrup