Breakfast Burritos

Don't like those freezer-burned crumbly frozen tortillas?  
...Just use a soft tortilla every need to freeze the tortilla!
This is a mixture I freeze in snack-size zip-lock bags for a quick breakfast idea.  

When you're ready to eat, grab a bag and microwave it (unopened) for 30 seconds.
Then dump the contents onto a soft flour tortilla and microwave it for 20-30 more seconds.
Serve with salsa, sour cream, or whatever you like!

1 lb. mild sausage, cooked, drained, and crumbled
1 dozen eggs, scrambled
1 bag (24 oz.) Southern-Style Hashbrowns, fried in a bit of oil 'til desired brown
1-2 cups shredded cheese

After cooking sausage, eggs, and hashbrowns, allow them all to cool.
In a large bowl, combine them all with the shredded cheese.
Put 1/3 - 1/2 cup mixture in snack-size baggies.
Freeze baggies for a quick breakfast!