Hawaiian Macaroni Salad

This is a tasty side-dish to those yummy Hawaiian lunch-boxes of teriyaki chicken and coconut rice!
This recipe makes about twenty-five 1/4-cup servings...so make half-recipe, if needed.

1 lb. macaroni (3-1/3 cups uncooked)
2 Tbl. apple cider vinegar
1 cup finely grated carrot
2-1/2 cups Best Foods Mayo
1/4 cup whole milk
2 tsp. sugar
Salt to taste

Boil pasta in a large pot of water for 12-13 minutes, or until desired tenderness.  Drain and put in large bowl.  While it is still hot, toss in cider vinegar and grated carrots.  Allow to cool.  
In separate bowl whisk together mayo, milk, and sugar.
When pasta has cooled, fold in mayo-mixture and add salt to taste.
Allow to set and chill in refrigerator for a few hours or overnight.
Before serving, stir again and add a bit of milk to re-moisten, if needed.